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In Romania, as in most countries, the coronavirus is accompanied by numerous legal issues that are unprecedented. Below we give an overview of legal aspects of Covid-19 in Romania. Those legal insights are updated constantly.
03 March 2021
austria bosnia & herzegovina bulgaria croatia czech republic hungary moldova montenegro north macedonia poland romania serbia slovakia slovenia turkey ukraine
P.Madl L.Krüpl B.Brežan L.Çelepçi L.Fluşcă S.Hekelová T.Iurkovska V.Iurkovski M.Mitan I.Panić K.Šourek* E.Todorova D.Vlaevsky
Impact of the Coronavirus Measures on the Real Estate Sector in CEE
How the pandemic changed the reasons given by employers and employees for termination of employment contracts
In this article, managing attorney at law Mara Moga-Paler analyses the Romanian labour market over the first seven months of the Covid-19 pandemic, and focuses on how the new realities have changed the legal grounds for employment termination.
06 November 2020
bulgaria croatia czech republic hungary moldova poland romania serbia slovakia slovenia türkiye north macedonia montenegro bosnia & herzegovina austria
M.Woller A.Radonjanin V.Tomov D.Vlahov Buhin* M.Kovács A.Guzun P.Klimek-Woźniak S.Pavel M.Lučivjanský A.Tipotsch
Status of Intellectual Property Offices in CEE
How can Romanian SMEs affected by the pandemic access the announced state aid scheme?
Following the European Commission's approval of Romania's state aid scheme to support small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs") and certain large enterprises affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of European Funds adopted the state aid scheme through a ministerial order, in the context of the economic crisis generated by the pandemic.
16 July 2020
croatia czech republic hungary poland romania serbia slovenia austria
V.Kobe I.Armașu M.Antczak A.Damaschin M.Ebner M.Florea P.Gorše O.Havlíček W.Kapica K.Krušlin* D.Radwański N.Rosová M.Simsa
CFO Crisis Management Checklist – CEE edition
Will the COVID-19 pandemic ramp up Romania's green ambitions?
The unprecedented economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is severely impacting the electricity sector, with demand falling as much as 20 % in certain cases, according to data published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
30 April 2020
bulgaria croatia czech republic hungary poland romania serbia slovakia slovenia türkiye bosnia & herzegovina north macedonia montenegro austria
Labour & Employment-related measures in combatting the consequences of COVID-19 in CEE
Find an overview of labour & employment-related measures in combatting the consequences of COVID-19 in the CEE region – status as of 5 May.
Romania: Are Romanian companies ready for post-pandemic tax audits?
As part of the preventive measures taken to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Romanian tax authorities have limited the number of tax audits at taxpayers' premises for the duration of the state of emergency.
22 April 2020
bulgaria croatia czech republic hungary poland romania serbia slovakia türkiye bosnia & herzegovina north macedonia montenegro austria
M.Pressler K.Pawlak W.Kapica C.Tudoraș V.Kobe M.Lučivjanský L.Çelepçi A.Lazarevska
COVID-19 – Effects on regulatory approvals in financial sector M&A transactions
M&A and corporate transactions (including mere group-internal restructurings) in the financial sector often not only require profound corporate law documentation, but also financial regulatory approvals from the competent authorities/regulators.
09 April 2020
bulgaria croatia czech republic hungary moldova poland romania slovakia slovenia austria
Corona Crisis: Amendment of the obligation to file for insolvency in CEE
With the fourth law on COVID-19, the Austrian legislator has suspended the obligation of an overindebted debtor to file for insolvency until 30 June 2020, irrespective of the cause of the over-indebtedness.
State aid scheme to support Romanian SMEs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in light of the new amendments via GEO no. 42/2020
The Romanian government has finalised and adopted a state aid scheme to support SMEs in the context of the economic downfall generated by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The impact of COVID-19 on M&A
The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to impact the process, timeline and documentation of M&A transactions in the turbulent times ahead of us.
06 April 2020
bulgaria croatia czech republic hungary poland romania serbia slovakia slovenia türkiye north macedonia montenegro austria
The impact of COVID-19 on submissions, deadlines and meetings with competition authorities in CEE
Trade associations must pay attention to competition rules! The risk of fines is real, even during the COVID-19 pandemic
Information conveyed recently via various communication channels in Romania suggests that joint measures and decisions are being adopted at the level of trade or employers' associations to respond to the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has raised.