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Schoenherr's team of litigation experts provides legal advice in complex, international cases in domestic courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

"Excellent knowledge, good client relationship, fast responses and perfect negotiation skills."
Legal 500



Our litigation group, spanning 14 jurisdictions across CEE, is known for its expertise and experience in handling complex, multijurisdictional, high-profile and standard cases in domestic courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Our track record is outstanding – no matter the forum or industry. The litigation practice ranks in the top tiers of acclaimed directories, such as Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Legal 500 and JUVE.

In case of disputes, we become involved at the earliest stage and work closely with our corporate, data protection, derivatives, competition, real estate and energy law experts to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the case. Together we develop a strategy tailored to the individual client and dispute focusing on the client's needs and expectations.

Drawing on our geographic footprint, integrated network and industry expertise, we offer tailor-made solutions for any kind of dispute to major national and international clients, smaller enterprises and individuals alike.

Our approach enables us to efficiently provide clients with outstanding and pragmatic professional advice and achieve the best possible results – whether in court or across the negotiating table.

our litigation expertise

Commercial Litigation

We provide first-rate advice and litigate all manner of contractual disputes in court, including disputes relating to m&a transactions, commercial contracts, and warranty or damages claims.

Corporate Litigation

Our clients can rely on our long-standing cooperation with Schoenherr's unrivalled corporate practice. We are the first choice to successfully litigate shareholder disputes, disputes between shareholders and the directors/supervisory board, directors' liability cases, disputes in connection with capital measures, disputes on public take-over bids and squeeze-out procedures. We have an excellent understanding of the workings and operations of large companies and multinational corporations.

Data Protection Litigation

Companies and consumers alike are more focused than ever on data protection practices and data security. The introduction of the GDPR in the EU and its dual track approach have led to an increase of data protection litigations in the EU, especially consumers asserting damages claims for alleged infringement of data protection rights or data security breaches in court. We successfully represent clients in landmark data protection litigations and work closely with our data protection experts at Schoenherr.

Consumer Litigation

We are well-versed in defending manufacturers and service providers in their disputes with consumers. We defend national and international clients against individual consumer claims, injunctive claims relating to general terms and conditions, and collective redress claims filed by national Consumer Associations or Employees' Chambers (see Class Actions | Collective Claims).

Class Actions | Collective Claims

Schoenherr's litigation practice handles massive class actions or collective claims in various industries across CEE. Our highly experienced litigators know how to efficiently approach, organise and finance these proceedings.

Financial Services Litigation (FSL)

Schoenherr's firmwide financial services litigation team represents credit institutions, insurance undertakings, funds and other financial services providers in all disputes relating to their products and services, both in domestic and transnational disputes. This includes consumer financial litigation, "bet-the-company litigation", class actions, banking litigation and insurance litigation. 

Energy Sector Disputes

Energy sector disputes require thorough knowledge of complex regulatory and contractual frameworks, a good understanding of the political background and technical acuity. We possess the right combination of skills and continuously represent major national and global players in the energy sector, including in consumer disputes, contractual disputes on windfarms, and price adjustment disputes.

Franchise & Distribution Disputes

Whether franchisee, commercial agent, distributor, franchisor, manufacturer or supplier, we offer in depth-knowledge of business relationships and distribution chains. We represent clients especially in termination and post-contractual disputes involving statutory compensation claims. Our practice covers various industries such as automotive, electronics, food & beverages, health care and pharmaceuticals.

Pharmaceutical and Life Science Disputes

Our renowned industry experience sets us apart from our competitors. It includes matters related to food products, medicinal products, drugs, (narcotic) substances, tobacco, medical devices, genetically modified organisms, chemicals, animal feed, cannabis and medical and care institutions as well as hospitals.

Product Liability Litigation

Any supplier or producer must take a product liability claim seriously. We advise on product safety and liability law, represent clients in damages claims, and coordinate product recalls.

Competition & Antitrust Litigation

Our litigation practice is proficient in handling damages claims resulting from alleged cartel infringements, having successfully represented plaintiffs as well as respondents, often in close cooperation with our colleagues from Schoenherr's leading competition practice.

Real Estate & Construction Litigation

We successfully litigate a wide range of real estate and construction disputes, whether it involves residential or commercial real estate, windfarms, plants, private or institutional developers or individuals. As needed, we team up with our real estate experts for disputes relating to real estate transactions, property development or sale and letting of residential and commercial properties.

Debt Collection

Debt collection of small claims for companies and corporations can be tiresome. We support clients in debt collection, having established many lasting, successful business relationships.

Intellectual Property Litigation

Schoenherr's leading IP practice efficiently helps clients assert or defend their intellectual property rights.


our services

  • domestic and international commercial litigation
  • domestic and international corporate litigation
  • interim injunctions
  • enforcement of arbitral awards and domestic or foreign court decisions
  • debt-collection
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12 March 2025


G.Ebner G.Steidl

German Federal Court of Justice on the assertion of claims for compensation against the management

The German Federal Court of Justice (II ZR 85/23) recently dealt with the question of when, in a two-member GmbH (a limited liability company with two shareholders), an individual shareholder can initiate legal proceedings against the company’s managing director without a prior resolution and whether they are also authorised to represent the company (in particular when appointing a legal representative). The decision is also of interest in Austria.



austria vienna


New EU Directive shields against SLAPPs

The new EU Directive No. 2024/1069 introduces targeted safeguards against Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation ("SLAPP"). SLAPPs are lawsuits filed by financially powerful entities to intimidate and silence critics by overwhelming them with legal costs and subjecting them to lengthy or multiple legal proceedings.


The Czech Class Actions Act: a potential game-changer for consumer claims enforcement against businesses

The Czech Class Actions Act – Act No. 179/2024 Coll., on Collective Civil Proceedings (the "Act") – implementing the EU Directive on representative actions, came into effect on 1 July 2024. This long-awaited legislation enables collective enforcement of consumer claims against businesses, a mechanism that has been largely limited in the Czech Republic until now. This poses risks, especially for businesses with large consumer bases in sectors such as financial services, insurance, energy, telecommunications and transport.





our team

Find our core litigation experts across the CEE region here.
meet the team



info corners

info corner

class action info corner

In many CEE jurisdictions, the possibility to request compensation in a class action will be new and will materially change the litigation landscape. Our info corner gives you an overview of how CEE countries intend to implement the Directive.



info corner

NPL directive info corner

This info corner offers insights into the current status of the NPL Directive adoption, and the implications for selling banks, credit servicers and purchasers under the new regulatory framework.




