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Making a difference while staying personal.

Meet Paweł Halwa, office managing partner of our Warsaw office

In 2011, Paweł joined Schoenherr as a partner, and today he is managing our Polish office. This includes
not only advising clients but also representing and leading the Warsaw office, entailing all responsibilities
that come with that: from leadership and management to decision making. What he appreciates most
about our firm is that we manage to be substantial enough to make an impact, and still be personal.

Who are you and what does your typical workday look like?
Hi, I'm Paweł.
My job is ensuring the smooth operation of our office while advising clients in legal challenges, especially
in corporate/M&A, banking & finance, and capital markets. A typical workday for me includes cycling
training (not daily, but three times a week), sending my nine-year old son off to school, and then starting
work. I spend most of my day then participating in meetings and calls, and in the evening, I focus on
drafting and reading.

What has been your most fun experience at Schoenherr so far?
That was probably last year’s Christmas party, where we finally got to celebrate together with
colleagues from all our offices – so much fun!

What I find particularly cool about Schoenherr is that …
… we are more about collaboration than hierarchy. Our firm manages to be big enough to make a
difference, and at the same time be personal, fostering individual development, and also handling
our clients' needs uniquely.

What was the best advice you ever got?
A former colleague and friend gave me the advice to stick to what you are doing and not be discouraged
by temporary issues. Staying focused on one thing over a longer period of time leads to amazing results.

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Bubble Pawel business new Corporate Background_bubble2

Making a difference while staying

Meet Paweł Halwa, office managing partner
of our Warsaw office

In 2011, Paweł joined Schoenherr as a partner, and
today he is managing our Polish office. This includes
not only advising clients but also representing and
leading the Warsaw office, entailing all responsibilities
that come with that: from leadership and management
to decision making. What he appreciates most about
our firm is that we manage to be substantial enough to
make an impact, and still be personal.

Who are you and what does your typical
workday look like?
Hi, I'm Paweł.
My job is ensuring the smooth operation of our office
while advising clients in legal challenges, especially in
corporate/M&A, banking & finance, and capital markets.
A typical workday for me includes cycling training (not
daily, but three times a week), sending my nine-year old
son off to school, and then starting work. I spend most
of my day then participating in meetings and calls, and
in the evening, I focus on drafting and reading.

What has been your most fun experience
at Schoenherr so far?
That was probably last year’s Christmas party, where
we finally got to celebrate together with colleagues
from all our offices – so much fun!

What I find particularly cool about Schoenherr
is that …
… we are more about collaboration than hierarchy.
Our firm manages to be big enough to make a
difference, and at the same time be personal, fostering
individual development, and also handling our clients'
needs uniquely.

What was the best advice you ever got?
A former colleague and friend gave me the advice to
stick to what you are doing and not be discouraged by
temporary issues. Staying focused on one thing over a
longer period of time leads to amazing results.

explore more stories.