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On 30 November 2018, a new law implementing several changes to existing legislation (1), notably to the Civil Code and the Commercial Companies Code, as well as to tax laws, was announced. The new law, which will enter into force at the beginning of 2019 (with respect to matters commented on below, mostly as of 1 March 2019).
Once in force, the amendments will clarify many practical issues that companies now face. The new legislation will also lift or ease several bureaucratic burdens related to notifications and filings required under the tax and accountancy laws, and modify labour law and tax legislation in a manner generally favourable to entrepreneurs.
Most of the changes either embrace previous court rulings or clarify which of the concurring opinions of legal commentators should prevail. Therefore, the amendment is indeed welcome and generally positive.
(1) Ustawa z dnia 9 listopada 2018 r. o zmianie niektórych ustaw w celu wprowadzenia uproszczeń dla przedsiębiorców w prawie podatkowym i gospodarczym (Dz.U. 2018 poz. 2244) / Act dated 9 November 2018 on amendments to certain laws in order to implement simplifications for the entrepreneurs in the tax and commercial laws
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New Act on the Control of Investments Detrimental to the Interests of Hungarian National Security