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date: 12 February 2025

sunset with schoenherr | How to protect intra-EU investments against unlawful state interventions?

12 February 2025 | 5:00 – 8:30 pm EET

30 Dacia Boulevard, 7th floor, Bucharest

Legislative unpredictability, twists in politics and turns in national regulations can significantly impact investments. Numerous examples exist of State measures (including Romania's) resulting in unfair, discriminatory or expropriatory actions. They raise a key question for business leaders: how can you protect your investment? Once shielded by intra-EU bilateral Investment Treaties, intra-EU investments no longer enjoy this security.

  • What remedies do investors have to recover losses caused to their intra-EU projects by unlawful State intervention now that they can no longer call the State to task via investment arbitration?
  • Which preventive actions can investors take to protect their business from risks arising from State measures that target cross-border EU investments?
  • How can your intra-EU investments be (re)structured to this end?


Key speakers from our arbitration teams in Romania and Austria will explore these and other topics at the event, while the firm's corporate reorganisations and tax experts will be there to answer implementation-related questions.

Who should attend?

If you are a representative of a Romanian entrepreneurial company that also operates in other EU jurisdictions or plans to scale abroad, join us at this Schoenherr event. The topic is also relevant for top-level decisionmakers in multinational groups active in sectors such as energy, retail, financial services, telecommunications, biotech and manufacturing.


Sebastian Guțiu | office managing partner Romania

Leon Kopecký | partner | arbitration

Sebastian Lukic | partner | arbitration

Monica Cojocaru | partner | corporate/M&A

Adriana Stoian | head of tax Romania


5:00 – 5:15 pm | registration & welcome

5:15 – 7:00 pm | panel discussion

7:00 – 8:30 pm | wine, dine & networking

Event language: English.
Limited seats available, to be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Participation by invitation only. If you would like to receive an invitation, please contact our Bucharest PR & corporate communications manager Daniela Bădoi by e-mail at