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Entering into a trademark coexistence agreement should be carefully assessed to avoid that, instead of solving an issue, it causes further trouble.
A trademark coexistence agreement (TCA) is a contract whereby two parties settle the use of their trademarks for avoiding a mutual infringement of trademark rights.
Entering into a TCA could be a solution if:
However, the conclusion of a TCA is not recommended if:
Any TCA should contain several compulsory elements, such as:
Overall, under Romanian law TCAs are binding and are taken into consideration by Romanian Courts and by Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks.
As regards community trademarks (CTMs), the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM)2 considers that a TCA is not binding for OHIM, but it may be taken into account, especially when the application of EU regulations3 and EU case law is deemed in compliance with the content of the TCA4 (“the findings of OHIM Board of Appeal are supported by the provisions contained in the coexistence agreement clearly intended by the parties to be legally binding and indicating that the parties themselves found no likelihood of confusion between the conflicting marks; see OHIM BoA decision no. R0024/2003 – 1).
Attention should be paid to the TCA’s enforceability of the chosen governing law and jurisdiction vis-a-vis the national laws of the parties because, in some cases, the TCA may be unenforceable.5
A sensitive aspect of the TCA is trademarks dilution. Market coexistence of similar trademarks could dilute them, diminishing their distinctive power and making the trademark rights difficult to enforce.
A TCA should comply with competition rules set forth in art. 101 (1) of TFUE and in the national legislation. A TCA may neither affect trade between EU member states nor restrict competition within the internal market.
Under section I(4) of Commission Communication 2014/C 291⁄016, a TCA could infringe EU competition rules if its effects impair trade between EU member states in a considerable manner, estimated either by the market share or by the turnover of the parties in relation to the goods and services provided under the trademarks subject to TCA.
The CJEU confirmed that a TCA could be “lawful and useful” if there is a “serious risk of confusion” between conflicting trademarks and if, by the TCA, the parties intend to settle a dispute in relation with such risk of confusion. However, a TCA infringes EU competition rules if its main goal is to divide the market or restrict competition (CJEU case C‑35/83 BAT vs Commission).
Any restriction in the TCA would be assessed taking into account also the competition rules. Such restriction should be linked to the agreement, proportionate and indispensable for obtaining pro-competitive effects. For example, restrictions such as non-compete obligations for products other than the one covered by the TCA and indirect restriction of passive sales (masked as trademark exclusive use) breach EU and national competition rules.
Attention should be paid to the TCA’s enforceability of the chosen governing law and jurisdiction vis-a-vis the national laws of the parties because, in some cases, the TCA may be unenforceable.
1Some companies choose to advertise their phone numbers in alphanumeric and such disclosure could infringe others trademark rights: eg, 0721 VODAFONE used by a competitor of VODAFONE.
2The official EU authority carrying out the procedures for the community trademarks.
3Regulation 207⁄2009 on community trademarks and implementing regulation.
4OHIM examination guidelines Part C opposition, Section 2 Identity and Likelihood of confusion, chapter 7.
5Under Romanian law, a contract executed under private signature needs a court decision to attest its enforceable title. In order to have effect in Romania, such decision issued by a court of a state not a member of the EU should comply with several compulsory conditions out of which (i) the judgment should be final under the law of the foreign state where it was rendered and (ii) there should be reciprocity between Romania and the foreign state in respect of the effects of the foreign judgment.
6Notice on agreements of minor importance which do not appreciably restrict competition under Article 101(1) of the TFEU (De Minimis Notice)
authors: Sorin Eduard Pavel, Cătălin Suliman