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Financing in times of crisis

1 Financing in times of crisis


Banking and finance analysis: The banking and finance experts of Schoenherr Attorneys at Law have compiled a comprehensive Central and Eastern European overview of the practical legal implications to be considered in finance transactions in the context of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic (COVID19).

How can macroeconomic implications of a crisis, which are not specific to a certain borrower or lender (or a group of borrowers or lenders), affect financing transactions. This overview is published in the context of the ongoing 2020 COVID19 pandemic and will be updated regularly as the situation evolves – for more information on the legal effects of COVID19 visit our coronavirus info corner.

Introductory note: Bosnia and Herzegovina (“B&H”) is composed of two self-governed entities, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“FBH”) and Republic of Srpska (“RS”), each having separate banking legal regimes. This guide deals with regimes in both entities in parallel.


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