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Magdalena Roibu

Managing Attorney at Law


legal areas & industries

litigation · wcc & criminal defence · dispute management

admitted to the bar

2008, Romania

with schoenherr since


"Magdalena Roibu is a lawyer dedicated to excellence and proficiency."

— Legal500


West University, Faculty of Law, Timișoara/Romania (Ph.D. programme since 2012)
West University, Criminal Studies, Timișoara/ Romania (M.A. 2009)
West University, Faculty of Law, Timișoara/Romania (Bachelor's degree in Law 2007)
West University, Translation Studies, Timișoara/Romania (M.A. 2004)
West University, Faculty of Letters, Timișoara/Romania (Bachelor's degree in Letters and Philosophy, 2002)
RINA Simtex, Bucharest/Romania (Certification in "Prerequisites for anti-bribery management systems under ISO 37001:2016", 2017)

teaching positions

West University, Faculty of Law, Timișoara/Romania, Senior Lecturer, PhD (since 2014)
West University, Faculty of Law, Timișoara/Romania, Assistant Lecturer, PhD candidate (2006–2014)
West University, Faculty of Law, Timișoara/Romania, Teaching Assistant (2002–2006)

work experience

Literati SRL (Translating services, L), Managing Partner, Timișoara/Romania (2005–2008)
"Magdalena Roibu" Law Firm, Attorney at Law, Timișoara/Romania (2010-2017)


EFCL (European Fraud and Compliance Lawyer (a sub-association of ECBA))
ECBA (European Criminal Bar Association)
ESSE (European Society for the Study of English)
RSEAS (The Romanian Society for English and American Studies)
ARSP (Romanian Society for Criminal Sciences)


Romanian, English, French, Italian
  • What is Lost When Something Else is Gained? On Procedural Guarantees in a Criminal Trial, volume of the 8th International Conference “Security Concepts and Policies – New Generation of Risks and Threats”, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-5th June 2017 The Case of Gheorghe Dima v. Romania. Prohibition of Torture. A New Conviction before the ECtHR, Annals of the West University, the Law series, 1/2016, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest
  • All Eyes on Market: Abuse, Misuse and Insider Dealing, Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Law no. 1/2016, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest
  • The New Romanian Code of Criminal Procedure – Cosmetics or Surgery?,, edited by the Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università degli Studi di Torino), issue of January 2016
  • The Parade of Innocents: The New EU Directive on the Presumption of Innocence and the Right to be Present at Trial, volume of the Penal Sciences Section of the International Biennial Conference of the Faculty of Law, 28-29th October, 2016 (to be published)
  • Codul de procedură penală al Republicii Populare Chineze (traducător), Universul Juridic Bucharest, 2015
  • On traps and Gaps in the Romanian New Code of Criminal Procedure, volume of the International Biennial Conference of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Craiova, 20-21st March 2015
  • Organized Crime in the United States and its Modern Challenges, Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Law no. 1/2015, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest
  • Anticipated Witness Hearing: Inquisitorial-Based, Adversarial Oriented, volume of the International Conference “Adapting Legal Regulations to the Current Trends in the Region”, Novi Sad, Serbia, 24-26th September 2015
  • The Exclusionary Rule: the Poisoned Fruit in the Garden of the European Court of Human Rights?, Annals of the West University, the Law series, 2/2015, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest
  • A Preliminary Hearing Beyond Words, volume of the Penal Sciences Section of the International Biennial Conference of the Faculty of Law 17-18th October 2014, Timișoara, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015
  • Romanian Restorative Justice – Does It Really Work?, (co-author) volume of the Second International Congress of Resilience From Person to Society, Timișoara, 8-10 May 2014, e-book edited by Medimond International
  • On a Different Kind of Compromise, Annals of the Bucharest University, Law Series, Supplement, volume of the National Conference Fundamental Settlements in the New Penal and Criminal Procedure Codes, Bucharest, 3-4th April 2014, C.H. Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2014
  • The Liberty and Custody Judge in the Romanian New Code of Criminal Procedure, Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Law no. 1/2014, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest
  • Entrapment in Case of Corruption Offences – Breach of the Right to a Fair Trial, Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Law no. 2/2014, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest
  • The Rights of the Injured Party in the Romanian New Code of Criminal Procedure, Annals of the West University, Law series, no. 2/2014, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest
  • Penal Limits to Freedom of Expression, C.H. Beck Publishing House Bucharest, 2013 (criminal law book, Ph. D thesis)
  • Tax Evasion: Check-Mate to the Crisis, volume of the International Biennial Conference of the Faculty of Law (volume coordinator), Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013
  • Imprisonment and Taxes: Is a Custodial Sentence an Efficient Instrument against Tax Evasion? (co-author), volume of the International Conference Criminal Repression in the Context of the Economic Crisis and the Maximization of Crime at European and Global Level, Bucharest, 2013
  • Pro and Against Criminalizing Opinions: Comparative Law Analysis, volume of the International Conference of PhD students in law, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012
  • Opinion-Related Offences, volume of the International Conference of PhD students in law, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011
  • The Language of Law (co-author), West University Publishing House Timișoara, 2006 (course-book for law students)
  • Drept European și Internațional al Drepturilor Omului, Frédéric Sudre (co-traducător), Polirom Iași, 2006

Managing Attorney at Law

Schoenherr Romania
Schoenherr si Asociatii SCA
RO-010413 Bucharest
Blvd. Dacia Nr. 30
T: +40 21 319 67 90
F: +40 21 319 67 91

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