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administrative law & public law

Schoenherr's public law experts advise on complex matters concerning constitutional and administrative law.

"Schoenherr's regulatory expertise and longstanding experience is recognised as the standard-bearer of regulatory-related advice."
Chambers Europe



Schoenherr's regulatory expertise and longstanding experience is recognised as the standard-bearer of regulatory-related advice. Schoenherr has one of the leading public law teams, covering the entire spectrum of public business law.

The team's expertise guarantees comprehensive first-rate legal advice in all matters of constitutional and administrative law, particularly regarding environment and climate change, energy, planning and construction, life sciences, privacy and data protection, technology regulation, telecommunications, media, as well as privatisations, public-private partnerships and public procurement.

We regularly act for clients in a broad range of regulated sectors. In particular, we have in-depth knowledge of the infrastructure, energy, utilities, waste, pulp, paper, mining, steel, automotive, glass, food, entertainment, healthcare, pharmacy, telecommunications/media and research sectors.

On the other hand, we advise the European Commission, the federal government, states, municipalities, and other public sector entities. Organisations and companies also regularly turn to us for advice on issues regarding all aspects of administrative and constitutional law.

Legislators themselves rely on our expertise, for example in preparing and assessing draft bills. We provide expert opinions, assist in all kinds of public law procedures, handle cases before the High Administrative and the Constitutional Court, and advise on strategic as well as legislative aspects.

our services

  • all kinds of public law procedures
  • Administrative and Constitutional Court procedures
  • strategic advice
  • legal opinions
  • due diligence
  • compliance
  • preparing and assessing draft legislative bills
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Österreichs Neues Regierungsprogramm: Vorschläge zum Anlagen- und Raumordnungsrecht

Das Regierungsprogramm der neuen österreichischen "Dreierkoalition" (2025-2029) enthält neben energiewirtschaftlichen Themen auch relevante Vorschläge zum Anlagen- und Raumordnungsrecht. So wird insb eine Beschleunigung und Vereinheitlichung wesentlicher anlagenrechtlicher Genehmigungsverfahren und ein verbindlicher Koordinationsmechanismus im Bereich der Raumplanung bei Infrastrukturprojekten mit überregionaler Bedeutung angestrebt. Als "Manko" ist insb eine fehlende integrierte Betrachtung mit den Umwelt- und Naturschutzagenden zu erkennen.


23 December 2024

czech republic

Czech team

CZ: Schoenherr Journal Edition 17

The Schoenherr Journal, published by Schoenherr's Prague office, looks at significant new legal developments in the Czech Republic.


29 October 2024



Schwerpunkt: Informationsfreiheitsgesetz




our team

Our team advises in all fields of administrative law and public law, across all our CEE offices.

meet the team