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tax law

Schoenherr's tax law experts advise on complex tax-related matters across CEE, such as in tax structuring, transactional tax advice as well as tax litigation and criminal tax law.

"From a client perspective, Schoenherr's tax team is very well positioned in terms of both depth and breadth. Their very strong commercial awareness is another unique selling point."
Chambers Europe



Tax impacts most transactions and structures. Tax advice is therefore crucial. In a constantly changing business environment, clients face complex tax rules. Schoenherr's tax team supports you not only in detecting tax risks but in providing you with simple, clear and practical tax solutions. 

We join forces with other Schoenherr practice groups in major transactions, and thereby focus on what we are really good at: tax structuring, transactional tax advice, international tax law advice, tax litigation & criminal tax law as well as general tax expertise. We serve businesses, investors as well as private clients.

tax structuring

Our tax practice has substantial experience in tax structuring. Our track record emphasises the Schoenherr tax team's skill in tax planning when structuring domestic and cross-border businesses, acquisitions and reorganisations, such as mergers and spin-offs. We also provide tax restructuring advice to financially distressed entities.

transactional tax advice

In addition, we advise clients on tax aspects in transactional matters, both in domestic and cross-border transactions. Either based on our tax structuring or on a stand-alone basis, our tax team is involved from the outset throughout all stages of the transaction. This guarantees optimal results for you. We guide clients in business, investment, real estate and financial transactions, ensuring their success.

international tax law advice

Our focus on tax structuring and transactional tax advice is perfectly rounded off by our experience in international tax law matters. We advise on issues regarding exit taxation, permanent establishments of foreign companies and cross-border employment matters, as well as international tax risks and compliance issues.

tax litigation & criminal tax law

We support our clients in communicating and dealing with tax authorities. This includes the representation of our clients in tax audits as well as in tax proceedings in front of the Austrian Tax Court and the Supreme Courts. In addition, we advise our clients both preventively in the assessment of existing criminal tax risks as well as in the preparation of (voluntary) self-disclosures and in the context of ongoing criminal tax proceedings in front of the courts.

general tax expertise

Our clients, including lawyers, accountants and tax advisors, face complex tax questions. We therefore support them with risk analyses and expert opinions in tax matters. We provide advice in all tax areas, such as corporate income tax, VAT, transfer pricing, stamp duty, transfer taxes, personal income taxes and local taxes. We also offer assistance in tax audits and tax litigation and provide training sessions to keep our clients updated about tax legislation and trends.


our services

  • tax structuring
  • transactional tax advice
  • international tax law advice
  • tax litigation & criminal tax law
  • general tax expertise
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"Entgeltferne Leistungen" aus lohnsteuer- und sozialversicherungsrechtlicher Sicht


21 February 2025


S.Egger L.Lobinger

Austria: Federal Fiscal Court rules that voluntary self-disclosure of missed UBO filings does not require immediate UBO filing to qualify for exemption from late filing penalties

The Austrian Beneficial Owners Register Act (BORA) requires certain legal entities to report their ultimate beneficial owners (UBO) recurringly, at least once a year and whenever changes occur in an entity's UBO. UBO filings must be submitted electronically for each entity via the Austrian Business Service Portal. Grossly negligent non-submission of UBO filings may result in penalties up to EUR 100,000, while intentional misconduct may result in penalties up to EUR 200,000.


Fringe benefits: A wide range of tax and social security benefits

In an already tense economic climate, it is essential for companies to have qualified personnel. Nevertheless, the Austrian labour market is currently facing a shortage of skilled workers, intensifying competition for talent. To stand out from other employers, companies should take advantage of various tax and social security benefits in cash or in kind.


to the point: Tax News Österreich | 01/2024


Private foundations in Austria: Suggestions from a tax perspective after 30 years of discontinuity

A historic review of the special taxation regime of private foundations outlines an exciting development and illustrates the reduction of tax advantages for private foundations over the last three decades. Although private foundations still have certain tax advantages over other corporations or the taxation of individuals, the discontinuity in their taxation does little to reassure those who have relied on private foundations as a legal entity. This article outlines this discontinuity while also suggesting potential tax incentives with a view to future law.


see all tax law news here



our team

Meet our team consisting of broadly experienced tax lawyers across all our CEE offices.

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