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environmental law & climate change

Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs.

Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. 

Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. Intro text - what is this info corner about, situation in CEE, 2-3 paragraphs. 

local environmental law

In the country sections of this info corner, we shed light on the respective regulations in your country:



legal updates across CEE

media coverage

26 June 2024



Hungary Looks at AI, ESG, Employment, and East: Interview with Dániel Gera

CEE Legal Matters | Hungary


Draft act introduces initial regulatory framework for functioning of green hydrogen market in Poland

The development of the hydrogen economy has been recognised as one of the priorities for the implementation of the European Green Deal, the main goal of which is to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. Poland is Europe's third-largest producer of hydrogen; however, its production is done exclusively with fossil fuels for companies' own needs. The regulations currently in force in Poland do not provide adequate conditions for the effective implementation of the strategy for the development of the green (renewable) hydrogen market.


16 May 2024



Starthilfe für Österreichs Wasserstoffproduktion

Der Ministerrat hat eine Regierungsvorlage zum Wasserstoffförderungsgesetz (WFöG) beschlossen. Es soll der österreichischen Wasserstoffproduktion Starthilfe leisten, indem die Produktion von erneuerbarem Wasserstoff gefördert wird. Ein Anschub ist auch erforderlich, um bis 2030 die in der österreichischen Wasserstoffstrategie vorgesehene Installation von 1 Gigawatt Elektrolysekapazität zu erreichen. Das Mittelvolumen wurde gegenüber dem Ministerialentwurf mehr als verdoppelt. Insgesamt stellt der Bund 820 Millionen Euro für wettbewerbliche Auktionen in den Jahren 2024 bis 2026 bereit.


26 June 2024 - 27 June 2024



15. Österreichisches Windenergiesymposium

26 - 27 June | Vienna


07 May 2024



ÖWAV-Seminar: Wasserrecht für die Praxis 2024

7 May 2024 | Vienna, Austria


Serbia: Diving into the CBAM Regulation: how does it function alongside the EU ETS?

As noted in our previous article on this topic, the CBAM is a new carbon tariff instrument introduced as part of the EU's Fit for 55 package, a strategy to reduce the EU's greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 % by 2030. The CBAM applies to imports into the EU of certain products and is based on the emissions generated in their production outside of the EU. Currently, in the transitional phase of the CBAM, importers only have the obligation to report on the amount of emissions embedded in the products they import, but from 2026 onwards they will also be obliged to buy and surrender CBAM certificates to cover for these emissions. Therefore, under the CBAM, non-EU producers will not only have to assist their EU partners in the reporting process, but also potentially face significant impacts on their businesses as a result of the new financial burdens importers will encounter.


Short info on our CEE environmental law team. We can advise on anything, our team is experienced and strong - contact us

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