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data protection

Schoenherr's data protection lawyers advise on all kinds of legal questions concerning data, such as data transfers, databases, whistleblowing systems, data security standards and data loss or misuse.

The team assists its clients on all aspects of data protection, including international data transfers, setting up global databases, implementing whistleblowing systems, safeguarding adequate data security standards, and providing immediate legal assistance in case of data loss or misuse.

Our regulatory lawyers also frequently represent clients in matters before the Austrian data protection regulator.

To address the demands of the new European data protection regulation in particular, Schoenherr has established the Schoenherr Privacy Academy, which gives first-rate guidance in this new area of privacy law.

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24 June 2024



Austria: New verification requirements for website and platform operators

A judgment of the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice published on 26 April 2024 (6 Ob 210/23k) requires website and platform providers to review their processes under the DSA.


Share everything, but safely? How to protect data in a due diligence process

In the fast-paced world of mergers and acquisitions, due diligence is a critical step in evaluating the legal, financial and strategic aspects of a potential deal. But as personal data becomes increasingly valuable, the data protection aspects of due diligence is coming under the spotlight. Companies must navigate a complex landscape to ensure that personal data is safeguarded.


18 September 2023


Do your customers know that your website is tracking them?

Many local enterprises use ad management and marketing tools from tech giants like Meta (formerly known as Facebook), TikTok and Google (Meta Pixel, TikTok Pixel, Google Analytics), enabling them to reach their intended audience more effectively and track visitor activity on their websites. You cannot find a marketing professional today who would not suggest at least one of these services to their clients.




our team

Meet Schoenherr's team of international data protection experts.

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