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austria vienna
Oliver represents suspects or parties who have suffered financial damage in complex white collar crime proceedings. These cases are often spread across various jurisdictions and involve voluminous case files. He is also the co-founder and president of the Austrian White Collar Crime Association.
wcc & criminal defence · compliance & internal investigations · crisis response
University of Vienna, Vienna/Austria (Mag. iur. 2010)
National Law Firm, Counsel, Vienna/Austria (2018 - 2023)
National Law Firm, Counsel, Vienna/Austria (2017 - 2018)
National Law Firm, Associate & Attorney at Law, Vienna/Austria (2015 - 2017)
National Law Firm, Associate, Vienna/Austria (2011 - 2015)
International Law Firm, Intern, Budapest/Hungary (2010)
Co-founder and President of the Austrian White Collar Crime Association - Vereinigung für Wirtschaftsstrafrecht
Point of Contact for the Regional Group Austria of WisteV – Wirtschaftsstrafrechtliche Vereinigung e.V.
Member of various associations in the field of white collar crime and criminal law
Schoenherr Vienna
A-1010 Vienna
Schottenring 19
T: +43 1 534 37 0
F: +43 1 534 37 66100