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Oliver Michael Loksa


austria vienna


Oliver represents suspects or parties who have suffered financial damage in complex white collar crime proceedings. These cases are often spread across various jurisdictions and involve voluminous case files. He is also the co-founder and president of the Austrian White Collar Crime Association.

legal areas & industries

wcc & criminal defence · compliance & internal investigations · crisis response

admitted to the bar

2016, Austria

with schoenherr since



University of Vienna, Vienna/Austria (Mag. iur. 2010)

work experience

National Law Firm, Counsel, Vienna/Austria (2018 - 2023)
National Law Firm, Counsel, Vienna/Austria (2017 - 2018)
National Law Firm, Associate & Attorney at Law, Vienna/Austria (2015 - 2017)
National Law Firm, Associate, Vienna/Austria (2011 - 2015)
International Law Firm, Intern, Budapest/Hungary (2010)


Co-founder and President of the Austrian White Collar Crime Association - Vereinigung für Wirtschaftsstrafrecht;
Member of various associations in the field of white collar crime and criminal law


English, German, Hungarian
  • Durch Zufall zum Strafverfahren: Ein langer Streit zwischen ÖVP und Grünen (Criminal proceedings by coincidence: a long dispute between the Austrian People's Party and the Green Party), Die Presse, 13.09.2024
  • Company management on hold: White collar crime-law as guideline for the suitability of company management, JUVE Handbuch 2024/25, 40-41
  • OGH 5.3.2024, 1 Ob 101/23v Anspruch eines Opfers einer Straftat an verfallenen Vermögenswerten (article on a party's claim to the confiscated assets in criminal proceedings), ecolex 2024/361
  • Mediale Berichterstattung und deren Berücksichtigung als Milderungsgrund für Verurteilte, 12/2023, 1084, (article on media coverage qualifying as mitigating factor for the sentencing of convicted people), ecolex, 2023/670
  • Verpflichtung zur materiellen Wahrheitserforschung, 3/2023, (article on whether the Public Prosecutor's Office's violation of the obligation to examine the material truth can be challenged), ZWF, 2023, 120
  • Änderungsbedarf der Strafprozessordnung in Wirtschaftsstrafsachen aus Sicht der Verteidigung (gemeinsam mit Johann Pauer), JSt 2023, 427
  • Erfüllung formaler Voraussetzungen eines Fortführungsantrags – OGH gegen OGH, 3/2022, (article on the formal requirements of an application to have investigation proceedings not terminated), ZWF, 2022, 97
  • Löschung der Eintragung einer Streitanmerkung gem § 66 GBG trotz anhängigen Strafverfahrens? (with Nebosja Manojlovic), 4/2021, (article on the deletion of the entry of a notice of a dispute in the land registry despite pending criminal proceedings), ZWF, 2021, 140
  • Verhandlungspflicht im Schiedsverfahren (Anmerkung zu OGH 18 OCg 9/19a), EvBl 2020/120
  • Schiedsverfahren: Videokonferenz als Ablehnungsgrund? (Anmerkung zu OGH 18 ONc 3/20s), EvBl 2021/19
  • OGH 1.10.2013, 14 Os 43/13z Keine Ablehnung der Beschwerdebehandlung bei behaupteter Grundrechtsverletzung (with Markus Spani), 2/81, (article on the right to be granted access to the file of criminal investigations), EvBl 2014/13
+43 1 534 37 66100

austria vienna

Schoenherr Vienna
A-1010 Vienna 
Schottenring 19
T: +43 1 534 37 0
F: +43 1 534 37 66100

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