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telecommunications & media

Schoenherr's team of experts advises on all legal matters arising in the telecommunications and media sector, across the CEE region.

Schoenherr has an experienced telecommunications & media team with significant knowledge in mergers & acquisitions, privatisations, regulatory, commercial, competition and dispute resolution. A core area of support in this industry is in regulatory matters, such as frequency allocation, the set-up of telecommunications infrastructure, network interconnection, web-based telecommunications services, video-sharing platforms, etc. We also advise clients on the implementation of web-based telecommunications services and on copyright, press publishing (including free speech), libel law and unfair competition matters.

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29 April 2024


G.Bădescu R.Dan

The revamped cash rebate system: a new promise for the Romanian film industry

"After all… tomorrow is another day." Scarlett O'Hara

The future of film productions appears brighter these days, as Romanian authorities have recently reaffirmed their commitment to boost the local film industry by revamping the cash rebate system available to it. As many of our readers may know, famous films such as Amen, Cold Mountain, Modigliani, Transporter 3, Le Concert and, more recently, Wednesday or Voyagers, were shot in Romania.

media coverage

24 April 2024



Who should receive information from the media in the future?

press release

03 August 2023

austria bulgaria serbia slovakia hungary

CEE team led by A. Doytchinova

CEE: Schoenherr advises Emirates Telecommunications Group Company on acquisition of a controlling stake in PPF Telecom Group's assets in Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia

Schoenherr advised Emirates Telecommunications Group Company ("e&") alongside Sullivan & Cromwell London on the acquisition of a controlling stake in PPF Telecom Group's assets in Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia.




experience & experts


industry highlights

We're happy to share some information on a few matters we have advised on in the telecommunications & media sector.

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Meet our team of telecommunications & media experts across CEE.

