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Read through our restructuring & insolvency experts' articles and publications:
Insolvencies in CEE: same same but different?
While there was a sharp rise in the number of insolvencies opened in Austria, particularly in the real estate sector, the number of insolvencies opened in many other countries has not changed despite inflation and rising interest rates. This is also confirmed by the following overview: almost half of our Schoenherr offices have seen a change, while the situation in the other half has remained unchanged.
Austria: Schoenherr advises Fisker GmbH on its restructuring proceedings
Schoenherr advised Fisker GmbH in connection with its restructuring proceedings, so far the largest insolvency proceedings in Austria in 2024, with claims exceeding EUR 3.5bln.
CZ: Schoenherr Journal Edition 16
The Schoenherr Journal, published by Schoenherr's Prague office, looks at significant new legal developments in the Czech Republic.
New preventive restructuring framework finally arrived in the Czech Republic
After a delay of more than a year, an Act on Preventive Restructuring (the "Act") implementing the EU directive on preventive restructuring frameworks finally became effective in the Czech Republic on 23 September 2023.
Share purchase rights in Austrian insolvency proceedings
Shareholders of Austrian limited liability companies ("GmbH") often stipulate the right to purchase the shares of co-shareholders in certain events. These "share purchase rights" (Aufgriffsrechte) entitle the remaining shareholders to acquire the share of a shareholder when a contractually defined event (Aufgriffsfälle), like insolvency or the death of a shareholder, occurs. Often these rights are laid down in articles of association or a separate shareholders' agreement (Syndikatsvertrag). They are generally qualified as option rights.
What changes will the Czech Republic's new preventive restructuring act bring to debtors and creditors?
After a delay of more than a year, an act on preventive restructuring (the "Act") implementing the EU directive on preventive restructuring frameworks finally became effective in the Czech Republic on 23 September 2023. The long-awaited Act introduces a brand-new legal tool preventing the insolvency of viable enterprises in temporary financial distress.
Preventive restructuring implemented in the Czech Republic: a revolution in Czech insolvency law
A long-awaited bill on preventive restructuring (the "Bill") implementing the directive on preventive restructuring frameworks in the Czech Republic will introduce a brand-new legal tool preventing the insolvency of viable enterprises in temporary distress.
Drafting laws – that's learning by doing
Schoenherr partners Miriam Simsa and Wolfgang Höller talked to Dr. Franz Mohr, Head of the Department for Execution and Insolvency Law at the Federal Ministry of Justice, about the process of drafting laws, the restructuring directive and more.
CZ: Schoenherr Journal Edition 11
The Schoenherr Journal, published by Schoenherr's Prague office, examines the latest important legal developments in the Czech Republic.
Long-awaited bill on preventive restructurings finally released. What changes will it bring to Czech insolvency law?
Österreich: Die Tücken der neuen Restrukturierungsordnung
Am 16.06.2021 wurde von der Bundesregierung der Entwurf der neuen Restrukturierungsordnung (ReO), mit der die RL (EU) 2019/1023 (RestrukturierungsRL) umgesetzt wird, beschlossen (siehe hier). Die Regierungsvorlage wird nun im Parlament behandelt und soll im Juli 2021 in Kraft treten (siehe unseren Legal Insight als Übersicht).
(Be)sicher(t) durch die Insolvenz?
Forderungen von Absonderungsgläubigern sind insgesamt auf den Wert der jeweiligen Sicherheit im Zeitpunkt der Bestätigung eines Sanierungsplans begrenzt. Damit ist der OGH in seiner aktuellen Entscheidung 17 Ob 12/20v von seiner bisherigen Rechtsprechung abgewichen.
Newsflash: Keine Macht dem hold-out – die neue Restrukturierungsordnung
Am 23.02.2021 wurde der lang erwartete Entwurf der Restrukturierungsordnung veröffentlicht. Mit dem Entwurf soll die Richtlinie (EU) 2019/1023 (RestrukturierungsRL) in Österreich umgesetzt werden.
austria bulgaria croatia czech republic hungary moldova poland romania serbia slovakia slovenia türkiye
M.Simsa I.Armașu L.Çelepçi S.Hekelová V.Kobe T.Krumov D.Lefter D.Radwański
"The key to success is the ability to adapt." (Confucius)
But is there only one way to successfully adapt local insolvency laws to limit the negative economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic?
The second Covid-related package changes insolvency law. What will it bring to corporate debtors and their creditors?
Austria: Covid-19: Welche Unterstützungsleistungen der öffentlichen Hand kann ich beantragen?
Die durch die COVID-19 Pandemie verursachten wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen betreffen eine Vielzahl von Unternehmen. Die Politik hat bereits mehrere Maßnahmen zur Erhaltung der Zahlungsfähigkeit und Überbrückung von Liquiditätsengpässen für die heimische Wirtschaft verlautbart.
16 July 2020
czech republic hungary poland romania serbia slovenia austria
V.Kobe I.Armașu M.Antczak A.Damaschin M.Ebner M.Florea P.Gorše W.Kapica K.Krušlin* D.Radwański M.Simsa
CFO Crisis Management Checklist – CEE edition
Hungary: The time needed for liquidation and forced deletion procedures has been extended due to coronavirus
On 28 May 2020, the Hungarian Government adopted amendments to the laws on company liquidation and forced deletion procedures to cushion the impact of the global coronavirus pandemic on the economy.
Czech Republic: LEX COVID – Changes to insolvency proceedings
The coronavirus pandemic has made life complicated for almost all businesses, especially from the financial point of view. Businesses thus face an increased risk of bankruptcy and subsequent insolvency proceedings.
Romania: Are Romanian companies ready for post-pandemic tax audits?
As part of the preventive measures taken to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Romanian tax authorities have limited the number of tax audits at taxpayers' premises for the duration of the state of emergency.
Corona Crisis: Amendment of the obligation to file for insolvency in CEE
With the fourth law on COVID-19, the Austrian legislator has suspended the obligation of an overindebted debtor to file for insolvency until 30 June 2020, irrespective of the cause of the over-indebtedness.
Czech Republic: State supports actions to mitigate the impact of the pandemic
Czech businesses and citizens have recently been affected by the adverse effects of the state of emergency declared due to COVID-19 and related emergency measures taken by the government or the Ministry of Health.
Coronavirus – Auswirkungen auf die Insolvenzantragspflicht?
Das Coronavirus stellt Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen unterschiedlicher Art. Der eingeschränkte Betrieb, Stornierungen und das Ausbleiben von Kunden können auch bei sonst gesunden Unternehmen zu Liquiditätsproblemen führen und im Extremfall die Pflicht auslösen, einen Insolvenzantrag zu stellen. Zwar hat der Staat Hilfsmaßnahmen angekündigt, die Frage ist aber, wie rasch diese Maßnahmen kommen, wie schnell sie greifen und ob sie ausreichend sind.
The Restructuring Directive: Where do we go from here?
Pre-insolvency restructuring frameworks: The race has begun – with some early front runners
Austria: Pre-emptive right on shares unenforceable in insolvency proceedings?
Shareholders of Austrian limited liability companies usually want to have influence over whom they are associated with. That's why shareholders often agree on a pre-emptive right (Aufgriffsrecht) to purchase existing shares in certain cases, e.g. in case of insolvency proceedings against a shareholder.
Supreme Court finds insolvency related avoidance claims assignable - Austria
The Austrian Supreme Court has recently found that insolvency related avoidance claims can be sold. This may open a whole new business segment and will most certainly have a material impact on defendants in avoidance proceedings.
Management's liability for payments upon onset of insolvency
A financial crisis and situations where insolvency is imminent are not only challenging for a company and its management, but also entail significant liability risks for management in the case of subsequent insolvency proceedings.
New EU Restructuring Directive: A game changer for restructurings?
The list of successful restructurings outside insolvency proceedings is as long as it is confidential. Every year, companies of all sizes are stabilised and sustainably restructured without the stigma of insolvency proceedings.
Good news for creditors: Austrian Supreme Court strikes down significant impediment to creating valid collateral in Austria
The Austrian Supreme Court has abolished its former line of decisions on the recognition of collateral granted by way of security transfer (Sicherungsübereignung) under foreign jurisdiction. From now on, Austrian courts will have to recognise such collateral even if it does not comply with Austrian publicity requirements (Pubilzitätserfordernissen).
Croatia: Agrokor's administration proceedings are entering the final stage
After almost two years, the extraordinary administration proceedings over Agrokor and 77 of its Croatian group companies is entering its final stage.
Romania: Schoenherr Bucharest wins two Client Choice Awards 2019
Schoenherr Bucharest received two Client Choice Awards from the International Law Office ("ILO") and Lexology. Georgiana Badescu (partner, Bucharest, competition) won the exclusive award for Romania in the competition & antitrust category, and Emeric Domokos-Hancu (partner, Bucharest, dispute resolution and insolvency & restructuring) was recognised as exclusive winner for Romania in the insolvency & restructuring category.
The fall of Agrokor - a partial history
Like any good crime novel, the fall of Agrokor had it all: the fallen hero turned villain, a looming public crisis, political intrigue and a packed storyline with many twists and turns. We have compiled a timeline with some of the most crucial events from this financial thriller.
Austria: Responsibility to investigate - an update on avoidance risks
Following the opening of insolvency proceedings, the insolvency receiver typically tries to enlarge the insolvency estate by asserting voidance claims. Legal acts that occurred within certain suspect periods prior to the opening of insolvency proceedings might be declared void. Creditors may mitigate certain avoidance risks by investigating the debtor's financial situation when conducting legal transactions.
Austria: Schoenherr successfully steers KIKA/Leiner away from financial distress
Schoenherr has supported the Austrian furniture retail group KIKA/Leiner to stabilise in the face of looming liquidity problems stemming from a crisis at shareholder level.
Confidentiality in restructuring
Successful restructurings typically depend on a smooth and swift process. All information relevant for the restructuring must be available to the creditors, and must be kept confidential. In addition, legal duties of secrecy must be considered. Finally, the effective restructuring of a debtor's business needs to receive as little attention as possible from third parties (eg customers, the market, suppliers).
Recast of the EU Regulation on Insolvency Law Applicable as of Today
The EU Regulation on Insolvency Law 1346/2000 (EIR) was considered a milestone in the cross-border coordination of national insolvency proceedings. The recast of the EU Regulation on Insolvency Law 2015/848, applicable to insolvency proceedings opened after 26 June 2017, considers substantial developments in national insolvency laws.
New Developments in Czech Insolvency Law
An extensive amendment to Act No. 182/2006 Coll., on Insolvency (the "Insolvency Act") will come into effect on 1 July 2017 (the "Amendment").
Freeze! Securing a debtor's assets in a foreign country can be a difficult and lengthy exercise - a new EU Regulation will change this.
Suppose you were a German bank lending to a Spanish debtor under a loan agreement governed by German law. Once your Spanish debtor stops paying, the bank would have to obtain a German legal judgment and would then have to enforce it in Spain.
Austria: Schoenherr promotes restructuring expert Miriam Simsa to contract partner
Restructuring Trusts – A More Efficient Way to Recover Debt?
In times of financial difficult and a challenging market environment, establishing a restructuring trust provides an insolvency-proof structure that meets the demand of the financing banks for an immediate change of control in the company while ensuring a professional M&A process with an upside for all stakeholders.
This week, we are honouring and prioritising the achievements of our female colleagues by putting their content first! Content from our other colleagues remains of course available and can be found in the authors' profiles or via the search function.