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Read through our energy experts' articles, publications and news:
Serbia: Schoenherr advises RP Global on strategic sale of 100 % share capital in renewable energy portfolio to Alcazar Energy Partners
Moravčević Vojnović and Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr advised RP Global, a leading renewable energy developer, on the sale of 100 % of the share capital in a portfolio comprising a 200 MW onshore wind power project located east of Belgrade and a 768 MW pipeline of wind and solar projects in Serbia to Alcazar Energy Partners, a prominent renewable energy investor.
Romania: Schoenherr advises Enery on virtual power purchase agreement with Nokian Tyres
Schoenherr advised Enery on signing a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) with Nokian Tyres. The long-term contract will ensure zero CO2 emission energy for Nokian Tyres' new passenger car tyre factory in Oradea, Romania. In addition to the energy supply, the 11-year PPA will also enable Enery to build a new solar power plant in Southern Romania, further supporting Europe's green transition.
Comprehensively through renewable energy sources – reforms, technologies, investments
25 November 2024 | online
A new era in Hungary's district heating sector: higher profit limits and a focus on geothermal energy
The Government of Hungary has overhauled the regulatory framework governing the district heating sector. The legislative changes are primarily aimed at supporting substantial new investments in district heating production by increasing the profit limits for new installations utilising renewable and geothermal energy.
23 October 2024
A.Popp A.Amann F.Königstorfer N.Stepan A.Jelinek G.Winkler C.Benes F.Oczlon L.Zobernig J.Frank M.Zöhrer B.Rajal C.Jirak
Austria: Schoenherr advises ImWind on sale of wind and solar park portfolio to Wien Energie
Schoenherr advised ImWind, an Austrian pioneer of wind and solar power, on the sale of two wind farms and one solar park to Wien Energie, one of Austria's leading energy suppliers. The transaction encompasses plants with a total capacity of 130 MW in Lower Austria and Burgenland, producing 280 GWh annually – enough to supply the equivalent of 80,000 households in the region with green electricity. ImWind will retain the technical oversight of the projects, which are set to increase Wien Energie's wind production by over 50 %.
Romania: Schoenherr advises Renovatio on closing two renewable energy deals with OMV Petrom
Schoenherr advised Renovatio on the sale of renewable energy production assets with a capacity of approximately 18 MW to OMV Petrom. The projects are operational and include two wind farms located in Eastern Romania, with a total installed capacity of 16 MW, and a micro-hydro power plant, with a capacity of 2 MW, in Northwestern Romania. The estimated cumulative annual production of these assets is approximately 45 GWh.
Austria: EU Nature Restoration Law has come into force
The Regulation (EU) 2024/1991[1], known as the "Nature Restoration Law" ("NRL"), represents a significant EU initiative aimed at reversing ecosystem degradation. The NRL requires Member States to restore degraded ecosystems and enhance biodiversity and resilience across land and marine areas. Effective from 18 August 2024, the NRL imposes binding targets for ecosystem restoration, presenting both opportunities and challenges. This article analyses the NRL's potential impacts on the private sector, highlighting significant concerns and legal issues.
Croatia: Schoenherr advises Siemens Energy on joint venture with Končar
Schoenherr advised Siemens Energy regarding a Joint Venture Agreement with Končar d.d. (ZSE, KOEI) for the production of transformer tanks. The new JVCo will be structured with Končar holding 60 % of the shares and Siemens Energy holding 40 %. The joint venture will establish a state-of-the-art transformer tank manufacturing facility at Končar's Sesvetski Kraljevec site, optimising and increasing the production capacities of Končar's transformer tanks business.
Draft act introduces initial regulatory framework for functioning of green hydrogen market in Poland
The development of the hydrogen economy has been recognised as one of the priorities for the implementation of the European Green Deal, the main goal of which is to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. Poland is Europe's third-largest producer of hydrogen; however, its production is done exclusively with fossil fuels for companies' own needs. The regulations currently in force in Poland do not provide adequate conditions for the effective implementation of the strategy for the development of the green (renewable) hydrogen market.
Starthilfe für Österreichs Wasserstoffproduktion
Der Ministerrat hat eine Regierungsvorlage zum Wasserstoffförderungsgesetz (WFöG) beschlossen. Es soll der österreichischen Wasserstoffproduktion Starthilfe leisten, indem die Produktion von erneuerbarem Wasserstoff gefördert wird. Ein Anschub ist auch erforderlich, um bis 2030 die in der österreichischen Wasserstoffstrategie vorgesehene Installation von 1 Gigawatt Elektrolysekapazität zu erreichen. Das Mittelvolumen wurde gegenüber dem Ministerialentwurf mehr als verdoppelt. Insgesamt stellt der Bund 820 Millionen Euro für wettbewerbliche Auktionen in den Jahren 2024 bis 2026 bereit.
Austria: E-Mobilität und die Novelle der Kraftstoffverordnung: Neue Geschäftsmodelle
Die Kraftstoffverordnung 2012 (KVO 2012) unterwirft Personen, die fossile Kraftstoffe für den Straßenverkehr in Verkehr bringen, einer Substitutions- und Treibhausgas-Minderungspflicht. Am 1. Jänner 2024 trat mit einer Neufassung des § 11 KVO eine Bestimmung in Kraft, die der Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrssektors und dem Ausbau der E-Mobilität zusätzlichen Schub verleihen soll.
Hungary: Amendments to grid capacity allocation rules may signal last chapter of solar power gold rush
Only a few years ago, the Hungarian National Energy Strategy set the then ambitious target of reaching 6 GW of solar power capacity by 2030. By early 2024, that target had already been achieved, as the gross capacity of PV installations doubled within only two years. The new target for 2030 is now set at 12 GW, and there is little doubt that it will be easily reached.
Hungary: Schoenherr supports MET Group in purchase of 520,000 sqm of project land in Kaba
Schoenherr advised Oberon Solar Park Kft, a subsidiary of the Switzerland-based MET Group, on its acquisition of 52 hectares of land located in Kaba, Eastern Hungary. The transaction was executed as a share deal and will enable MET Group to construct the so-called Kaba2 project.
Romania: CfD scheme for renewables to go live in 2024
In March the European Commission approved a EUR 3bln (RON 15.22bln) Romanian scheme to support installations producing electricity from onshore wind and solar photovoltaic. The approval relates to an initiative launched for consultations by the Ministry of Energy in August 2023, aimed at implementing a Contracts for Difference (CfD) support mechanism for low-carbon technologies (the "CfD Scheme").
Austria/Czech Republic/Poland: Schoenherr advises Hartree Partners on cross-border energy joint venture with Botres Group
Schoenherr advised Hartree Partners Ltd., a global energy and commodities firm, on its acquisition of 50 % of the shares in Botres Group, a key supplier of ultra-modern industrial biogas plants and biorefineries in Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and Spain, and the formation of a cross-border equity joint venture in the energy sector.
Austria: UPDATE Erneuerbares-Gas-Gesetz (EGG)
Der Ministerrat hat sich zu einer Regierungsvorlage zum EGG durchgerungen. Dadurch rückt die Phase eines Investitionsbooms für Biomethananlagen in Österreich ein Stück näher. Österreich muss den Anteil erneuerbarer Gase bis 2030 schrittweise um den Faktor 50(!) erhöhen! Eine Herkulesaufgabe. Gegenüber dem Begutachtungsentwurf gibt es weitgehende Änderungen (ua einen neuen Fördermechanismus für Gasversorger).
Austria: Night-time marking of wind turbines
The Austrian Federal Government plans to amend the Austrian Aviation Act (Luftfahrtgesetz; LFG) to allow for on-demand night-time marking of aviation obstacles, such as the beaconing of wind turbines.[1] This is intended to reduce light emissions, especially at night.
Hungary/Romania: Schoenherr advises Enery on sealing 10-year solar VPPA with Dreher Breweries
Schoenherr advised Enery, one of the leading players in the renewable energy sector in Central and Eastern Europe, on signing a 10-year virtual cross-border power purchase agreement (VPPA) with Dreher Breweries (Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt.), part of Asahi Europe & International. The agreement aims to provide green energy and guarantees of origin for the production at Dreher Breweries' facilities in Hungary.
Romania shifting to an auction-based power grid access mechanism
Against the backdrop of the gradual exhaustion of available grid capacity, the Romanian energy market watchdog ("ANRE") recently published a draft order contemplating an overhaul of the grid capacity booking method available to producers (the "Draft Order"). Departing from the current approach of grid capacity granted bilaterally on a first come first served basis, the new rules lay down a competitive mechanism, enabling producers to book grid capacity through auctions.
Sustainability-linked loans and green finance developments in Poland
Greater interest in ESG and the energy transition may be observed recently throughout Europe, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The green energy transition has become not only a matter of climate protection but also of domestic security. As banks are one of the most important sources of external financing, they play a significant role in the transformation to a sustainable economy and can contribute towards mitigating adverse effects on the environment and society by key players in the global economy.
Unpacking the EU Nature Restoration Law
The draft of the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) unveiled by the EU Commission in 2022 and narrowly approved by the EU Parliament in July 2023, has been met with both enthusiasm and controversy. It sets lofty objectives for the Member States to restore ecosystems, supporting the unionwide and long-term sustainable recovery of biodiversity and nature's resilience. To achieve this, the NRL aims to establish binding restoration targets and obligations for various ecosystems. By 2030, these measures should cover at least 20 % of the Union's land and sea areas and extend to all ecosystems "requiring restoration" by 2050. To meet these goals, Member States must create and implement "restoration plans".
Greening real estate in the EU: the road to zero-emission buildings
As a part of the "Fit for 55" package for a climate neutral Europe by 2050, a recast of the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is currently being adopted. Although still in the legislative process, the new EPBD clearly will impose stricter requirements for energy efficiency of buildings, with the plan to achieve zero-emission and fully decarbonised building stock by 2050. The three main aspects of the revised legislation are described below.
New notification obligation for Czech energy sector transactions
Effective 1 January 2024, the Czech Energy Act (No. 458/2000 Coll.; "EA") mandates notification to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for both direct and indirect acquisitions of elements of energy critical infrastructure. The parties will be under a standstill obligation until the transaction is cleared. Notably, the triggering event is set to 10 % of shares or voting rights or even lower. Let's take a closer look at the new transaction review feature.
Austria: Neu im ElWG-Entwurf: Bestehende Netzanschlussverhältnisse in Gewerbe- und Industrieparks sollen (geschlossene) Verteilernetze werden
Entwurf des neuen ElWG: Der "Untergang" des Versorgers, der "neue" Lieferant und vieles mehr
Am 12.01.2024 ist der Entwurf des neuen Elektrizitätswirtschaftsgesetzes (ElWG-Entwurf) in Begutachtung gegangen. Das ElWG wird das in die Jahre gekommene ElWOG 2010 ersetzen. Das ElWG ist eine "kleine" Revolution, weil es ua bestehende Marktrollen wie jene des Stromlieferanten neu definiert und bislang nur faktisch existierende Marktteilnehmer (zB Aggregatoren) gesetzlich reguliert. Der Strommarkt wird dadurch und durch viele andere im ElWG vorgesehenen Änderungen neu strukturiert. Eine große Chance, aber auch Herausforderung für alle Marktteilnehmer.
Austria/Romania: Schoenherr advises Kommunalkredit on financing construction of solar power plants in Romania
Schoenherr advised Kommunalkredit Austria AG ("Kommunalkredit") on granting a EUR 25m loan to INVL Renewable Energy Fund I ("INVL") to finance the construction of solar power plants with a total capacity of 51 MW in Romania. This is the first Romanian project in INVL's pipeline to reach the ready-to-build phase.
15 December 2023
M.Cojocaru V.Cordea S.Lehniuc M.Mitan A.Huza L.Buzatu-Teodorescu G.Bădescu D.Trusculete
Romania: Schoenherr advises Nofar Energy on acquisition of Romania's largest solar PV project
Schoenherr Romania advised Nofar Energy on the acquisition of a 255 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) project under development from Portland Trust. Expected to become operational in 2024, this is Romania's largest solar PV park. It spans 290 hectares in Corbii Mari, Dambovita county and is expected to generate 362 GWh of renewable energy a year, enough to cover the electricity consumption needs of approx. 160,000 households.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Schoenherr advises Raiffeisen Bank International AG on EUR 31.06m project financing for 60 MW solar power plant to Energy Financing Team SE
Schoenherr advised Raiffeisen Bank International AG in connection with a EUR 31.06m project financing to Energy Financing Team SE Bileca d.o.o. Bileca as the borrower. The funds will be used to develop a 60 MW solar power plant in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Offshore wind parks: a glimpse into Montenegro's future
The world has seen a significant shift towards sustainable energy sources in recent years. One of the most promising and rapidly growing sectors in the renewable energy industry is offshore wind parks. These structures that use the power of wind over the open seas are quickly gaining popularity as part of the global effort to combat climate change. This article will explore the global trend of offshore wind parks and shed light on Montenegro's potential in this eco-friendly energy source with a special focus on fixed-bottom wind parks.
Hungary launches new CfD support scheme targeting electricity storage operators
On 14 August 2023 the Hungarian Government issued Gov. Decree 382/2023 ("Decree") establishing the legal framework for the implementation and functioning of the new Contracts for Difference ("CfD") support scheme for electricity storage operators ("Storage CfD Scheme").
Romania launches new renewables CfD support scheme targeting 5 GW of onshore wind and solar capacities
Romania is on the verge of introducing a much-awaited new support scheme for renewable energy. On 7 August 2023, the Romanian Ministry of Energy launched for public consultations a draft decision approving the legal framework for the implementation and functioning of the Contracts for Difference ("CfD") support scheme for low-carbon technologies ("CfD Scheme").
Romania: Schoenherr advises Enery on signing long-term virtual power purchase agreement for renewable energy with Ursus Breweries
Schoenherr advised Enery on signing a multi-year virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) with Ursus Breweries, part of Asahi Europe & International, to provide green energy and guarantees of origin for the production at their brewing facilities in Romania.
Serbia: Schoenherr advises OTP Group on project finance facilities for development of six biogas power plants in Serbia
Moravčević Vojnović and partners in cooperation with Schoenherr advised OTP Group members, OTP Bank Plc Hungary and OTP Bank Serbia, in a biogas project finance transaction. The financing will be used by three special-purpose vehicles (SPVs) that acted as borrowers to develop six biogas power plants in Serbia. The project's sponsor, Pannonia Bio, is among the largest biorefinery operators in Europe.
EU Parliament approves new Emissions Trading System
On 18 April 2023, the EU Parliament approved the provisional political plan to reduce CO2 emissions in the EU agreed on by the Council and the European Parliament on 18 December 2022.
Key developments in Austrian environment and climate change law in 2022: part two – case law
This article is part of a series on developments in Austrian environment and climate change law in 2022 and, in particular, focuses on case law developments. For further details on legislative developments see, "Key developments in Austrian environment and climate change law in 2022: part one – legislation".
Erneuerbares-Gas-Gesetz (EGG) mit Déjà vu: Die Strafzahlung für Gasversorger und die daran anknüpfende Frage der Weiterverrechnung an Endkunden!
Am 15.02.2023 wurde der Begutachtungsentwurf zum Bundesgesetz über die Einführung einer Versorgerverpflichtung für Gas aus erneuerbaren Quellen veröffentlicht ("Erneuerbares-Gas-Gesetz-Entwurf" – "EGG-Entwurf"). Der EGG-Entwurf sieht die Verpflichtung von Gasversorgern vor, einen bestimmten Anteil der von ihnen verkauften Gasmengen durch erneuerbare Gase zu ersetzen. Kommen Gasversorger dieser Verpflichtung nicht nach, drohen Strafzahlungen in Form eines Ausgleichsbetrags, der von der Regulierungsbehörde (E-Control) durch Bescheid vorgeschrieben wird. Die Strafzahlungen könnten nicht nur Versorger, sondern letztlich auch deren Endkunden zu spüren bekommen.
Key developments in Austrian environment and climate change law in 2022: part one - legislation
2022 was a busy year marked by the late effects of the covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The latter has led to the rethinking of energy matters. Austrian legislation in 2022 was, therefore, characterised above all by new developments and amendments in energy law, with a focus on the expansion of renewable energy. This article is part of a series on developments in Austrian environment and climate change law in 2022 and, in particular, focuses on legislative developments.
Photovoltaics: the green energy source. Austrian tax aspects to consider when implementing photovoltaic systems
Romania: Schoenherr advises Nofar Energy on acquisition of 73 MW solar PV project
Schoenherr Romania advised Nofar Energy on the acquisition of a 73 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) project in Slobozia, Giurgiu county.
Romania: Schoenherr advises Enery on acquisition of Jade Power Trust's renewable energy assets in Romania and on attracting bank financing
Schoenherr advised Enery on the acquisition of a Romanian renewable energy multi-technology (wind, solar and hydropower) portfolio with 81 MWP of installed capacity from Jade Power Trust, and on the related financing. With this deal Enery, which has been developing solar greenfield assets in Romania for three years, enters the local green electricity production market as a major player.
Romania: Schoenherr advises MET Group on first investment in Romanian renewable energy market
Schoenherr advised MET Group on the acquisition of a solar photovoltaic ("PV") project under development in Southern Romania. The project has a planned installed capacity of 52 MWp and is expected to reach ready-to-build status by the first quarter of 2023.
Contractual framework, guarantees, penalties and key performance indicators for construction of photovoltaic plants
8-9 December 2022 | Faculty of Economics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia
The revised TEN-E Regulation – laying the foundation for renewable and low carbon gases infrastructure
17 – 18 November 2022 | Regional Oil and Gas Conference, Istanbul
Erneuerbare-Wärme-Gesetz ante portas
Auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität gibt es in Österreich noch viele legistische Baustellen. Letztes Jahr wurde mit dem Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz (EAG) ein bundeseinheitlicher förderrechtlicher Rahmen für die Umstellung auf Erneuerbare Energien geschaffen. Im Bereich der Wärmebereitstellung für Gebäude fehlt auf Grund der Kompetenzverteilung zwischen Bund und Ländern bislang ein einheitliches bundesrechtliches Regelungsregime. Dies könnte sich nun ändern: Am 02.11.2022 wurde im Ministerrat das Erneuerbare-Wärme-Gesetz (EWG) beschlossen.
International Comparative Legal Guide - Renewable Energy 2023
The International Comparative Legal Guides provide current and practical comparative legal information on a range of practice areas, following a Q&A format to ensure thorough coverage of each topic within different legal systems worldwide.
Österreich: UVP-Novelle 2022 in den Startlöchern
Eine Novellierung des UVP-G1 wurde vom BMK2 bereits seit längerem angekündigt. Nunmehr schickte das BMK den Novellenentwurf bis zum 19.09.2022 in Begutachtung. Medial stand vor allem die "Beschleunigung von Genehmigungsverfahren" im Vordergrund. Die Novelle umfasst aber weit mehr. Der gegenständliche Beitrag bietet eine erste Orientierung.
Romania: Schoenherr advises Samsung C&T Corporation on sale of 45 MW solar PV park to GreenVolt
Schoenherr Romania advised Samsung C&T Corporation on the sale of its participation in LJG Green Source Energy Alpha, a solar photovoltaic ("PV") project with an installed capacity of 45 MW, located in Giurgiu county. The solar PV park was sold to Greenvolt – Energias Renováveis ("GreenVolt") through its subsidiaries V-Ridium Solar 45 and V-Ridium Renewables.
Romania launches new renewables support scheme for wind and solar projects. Over EUR 450m up for grabs
Weiterer Meilenstein am Weg zu 100% Ökostrom bis 2030: EAG-Investitionszuschüsseverordnung Strom in Begutachtung geschickt
Bulgaria: Schoenherr advises RGREEN INVEST on unique EUR 15m green bond to finance photovoltaic plant in Bulgaria
Schoenherr advised RGreen Invest, a French management company representing a fund for green energy projects, on a EUR 15m bond to finance the construction of a photovoltaic plant near the town of Razlog in southwestern Bulgaria, as well as on a standard security package for it. The bond's issuer is a member of the Renalfa group, a leading Bulgarian clean energy and e-mobility provider with a focus on renewable energy generation assets.
Croatia: Schoenherr advises Mirova and RP Global on sale and refinancing of onshore wind farms in Croatia
Schoenherr advised Mirova and RP Global on the sale of two onshore wind farms in Dalmatia, Danilo (44MW) and Rudine (34MW), to Professio Energia d.d. (DLPR, Zagreb Stock Exchange).
Bulgaria (Energy): Record high electricity prices lead to zero premium for RES producers and moratorium on the regulated market
Sustainability and competition law: green light for sustainable cooperation agreements
Environmental protection and climate change are by far the hottest topics in contemporary competition policy. The European Green Deal, signed by the EU 27, sets out to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, where economic growth is decoupled from resource use.
Austria's corporate tax regime goes green
In November 2021 the Austrian government outlined its draft for an eco-social tax reform, which intends to combine substantial tax relief through various (tax rate) measures as well as a significant increase of the tax burden for unsustainable, polluting behaviour by private households and companies.
17 August 2021
A.Doytchinova K.Kaloyanova-Toshkova S.Tsekova M.Gabrovska D.Kairakov G.Roussinova-Ivanova D.Vlaevsky E.Todorova G.Petkova
Bulgaria: Schoenherr advises MET Group on the acquisition of a 60 MW operational wind park in Western Bulgaria
Romania: Schoenherr advises Nofar Energy on the acquisition of a 153 MW photovoltaic park under development in Romania
NFT: An all-round legal view of Non-Fungible Tokens | Webinar
Did you miss our webinar, or do you want to listen to the discussed topics again? Watch the NFT webinar video recordings here!
NFTs: What about energy and climate issues?
When we started our NFT self-experiment, it did not take long before questions relating to energy consumption came up. According to our estimates, the two transactions (i) minting of the token and (ii) authorisation of an eventual sales processing, produced a CO2-footprint of over 100 kg of CO2EQ.
Romania: Schoenherr advises ENGIE Romania on the acquisition of an operational PV park
Schoenherr Romania advised ENGIE Romania ("ENGIE") on the acquisition of a fully operational photovoltaic ("PV") project with an installed capacity of 5.46 megawatt (MW), located in Teleorman county, Romania from two German investors.
Romania: Schoenherr advises Risen Energy Solar Project GmbH on the sale of 20 MW PV park to Alternus Energy Group plc.
Schoenherr Romania advised Risen Energy Solar Project GmbH on the sale of a photovoltaic ("PV") project with an installed capacity of 20 MW, located in Giurgiu county, Romania to Alternus Energy Group plc.
Austria: Schoenherr advises leading energy service providers on e-mobility joint venture
Webinar: Renew Romania
renewable energy | bridging the gap between the current reality and 2030 ambitions
Energy communities – is a business licence required?
Energy communities are the new model for a more decentralised energy supply (for further details please see "Sparking change: Renewable Energy Expansion Act published for evaluation"). An energy community can generate, consume, store, distribute and sell energy, with the focus being the use of the jointly generated energy by the community members. According to the draft Renewable Expansion Act (EAG), which will be passed shortly, energy communities may also actively participate in the electricity market and provide energy services.
Die Hüterin der EAG-Förderungen: Überblick zur EAG-Förderabwicklungsstelle
In Schönherrs Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz Infocorner werden die wesentlichen Eckpunkte des EAG-Pakets dargestellt und praxisrelevante Rechtsfragen behandelt. Bleiben Sie zudem über aktuelle Veranstaltungen und Webinare informiert.
EAG: Änderungen des ElWOG und GWG
Die am 17.03.2021 veröffentlichte Regierungsvorlage des EAG-Gesetzespakets umfasst neben dem neuen Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz unter anderem auch Novellen des ElWOG und des GWG. Diese Novellen haben das Ziel, erneuerbare Energiequellen in das Energiesystem zu integrieren und die Systeminnovationen zu implementieren.
Hier kommt die Sonne(nenergie)
Am 17.03.2021 wurde der mit Spannung erwartete Entwurf des Bundesgesetzes über den Ausbau von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen (Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz – EAG) im Ministerrat beschlossen. Um die Investitionssicherheit für bestehende und zukünftige Anlagen zu gewährleisten, bringt der Entwurf bedeutende Änderungen des Fördersystems für Photovoltaikanlagen – ein erster Überblick!
Neues EAG: Update zu Energiegemeinschaften!
Am 17.03.2021 wurde die Regierungsvorlage zum geplanten Bundesgesetz über den Ausbau von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen (Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz – EAG) veröffentlicht. Diesem lang ersehnten Schritt geht ein Begutachtungsverfahren mit über 100 Stellungnahmen voraus. Mehr als 6 Monate wurde am Begutachtungsentwurf gearbeitet. Für die geplanten Energiegemeinschaften gibt es einige wesentliche Änderungen.
16 March 2021
A.Popp A.Amann C.Benes T.Hayden B.Rajal P.Staudigl F.Urlesberger A.Visontai-Knor T.Waidmann N.Zafoschnig M.Frantar V.Kobe M.Laković S.Tsekova D.Vlaevsky A.Lazarevska
Austria: Schoenherr advises Liechtenstein Group on investment in PV-Invest
Austria: Schoenherr advises Hypo Vorarlberg on EUR 330m synthetic securitisation to boost energy-efficient buildings
Schoenherr advised Hypo Vorarlberg on the synthetic securitisation of a EUR 330m portfolio of loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, corporate borrowers or certain private individuals. The transaction is designed to achieve regulatory capital relief under CRR (II) / CRD IV (V). The transaction builds upon a similar securitisation completed with Schoenherr's support at the end of 2017. It is a part of the European Investment Bank's response to support the Austrian economy following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bulgaria: Schoenherr advises MET Group on acquisition of 42 MW wind park from Enel Green Power
Schoenherr advised MET Group on the acquisition of a 100 % stake in one of the biggest wind parks in Bulgaria from Enel Green Power S.p.A. The 42-megawatt wind park, operational since 2010, is situated in the Kavarna region near the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Schoenherr acted as legal advisor on the buy-side. Merger clearance still needs to be obtained as closing is expected by the end of the year.
Bulgaria: Schoenherr advises Enery on the acquisition and refinancing of the biggest solar park in Bulgaria
Schoenherr led Austrian renewable energy producer Enery to the completion of its acquisition of the largest photovoltaic park in Bulgaria.
EAG-Entwurf: Energiegemeinschaften als neue Marktteilnehmer!
Der mit Spannung erwartete Begutachtungsentwurf des Bundesgesetzes über den Ausbau von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen (Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz – EAG) enthält ua Regelungen zu Erneuerbaren-Energie-Gemeinschaften. Damit soll die Bürgerbeteiligung an der Energiewende und eine verstärkte dezentrale Energieversorgung in Österreich gefördert werden.
Romania: Schoenherr advises OMV Petrom on strategic partnership with Auchan to open 400 MyAuchan proximity stores in Petrom filling stations
Schoenherr Romania advised OMV Petrom on all legal matters regarding the extension of an existing partnership with Auchan Retail Romania, to open 400 MyAuchan proximity stores in Petrom filling stations over the next five years. Depending on the square meterage of the station, up to 2,500 products will be available on the shelves of MyAuchan proximity stores, allowing Petrom customers to do their grocery shopping while fuelling their cars.
Energy: Bulgaria introduces licensing regime for natural gas traders
With a last-minute amendment of the Bulgarian Energy Act of 26 June 2020, natural gas trading becomes an activity subject to licensing by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (the "Energy Commission").
Österreich: Schönherr erreicht für TIWAG finalen Durchbruch beim Vorhaben "Speicherkraftwerk Kühtai"
Schönherr hat für die TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG ("TIWAG") die letzte rechtliche Hürde auf dem Weg zur Umsetzung des Vorhabens "Speicherkraftwerk Kühtai" genommen: Nachdem der Verfassungsgerichtshof (VfGH) bereits im September 2019 die Behandlung des Rechtsmittels einer Bürgerinitiative abgelehnt hat, wurden mit der nun zugestellten Entscheidung des Verwaltungsgerichtshofs (VwGH) auch die letzten Rechtsmittel von Projektgegnern gegen die Genehmigung dieses Vorhabens zurückgewiesen.
Schoenherr advises European Commission on legislative options for upgrading European gas markets
Schoenherr (as leader of a consortium of European law firms) has conducted a comprehensive study on the regulatory and administrative requirements for entry and trade on the gas wholesale market in the EU for the European Commission, Directorate General Energy (DG ENER).
Will the COVID-19 pandemic ramp up Romania's green ambitions?
The unprecedented economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is severely impacting the electricity sector, with demand falling as much as 20 % in certain cases, according to data published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
14 May 2020
austria bosnia & herzegovina bulgaria croatia czech republic hungary moldova montenegro romania serbia slovakia slovenia
B.Rajal F.Schneider D.Kairakov L.Dočekalová A.Guzun M.Cojocaru G.Bădescu M.Moga-Paler A.Damaschin M.Lučivjanský M.Frantar M.Laković S.Moravčević P.Vučinić
European Energy Handbook 2020 - A special edition
Green light for green electricity l Slovakia
Up until the end of 2018, renewable energy sources (RES) generators in Slovakia were mainly subsidised in the form of a guaranteed feed-in tariff granted for 15 years, the amount of which depended on the date when the RES facility was put into operation.
Schoenherr advises Kommunalkredit Austria AG on Czech and Slovak acquisition financing to Enery Development
Schoenherr advised Kommunalkredit Austria AG as arranger and original lender, on the Czech and Slovak acquisition financing provided to Enery Development for the acquisition of six 21 MW solar power plants in the Czech Republic and two 4 MW solar power plants in the Slovak Republic, from Czech fund Green Horizon Renewables.
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Oil & Gas Regulation 2020
The International Comparative Legal Guides provide current and practical comparative legal information on a range of practice areas, following a Q&A format to ensure thorough coverage of each topic within different legal systems worldwide.
Auction-based Subsidies in the Renewable Energy Sector: Time to Forget the Safe Space of Guaranteed Tariffs
Subsidies for power generation from renewable energy sources (RES) are undergoing material structural changes in the CEE region.
Electric filling station: no operation of an electricity company - Austria
In its decision of 18 September 2019, the Austrian Higher Administrative Court ("VwGH") found that the operation of an electric filling station does not constitute the operation of an electricity company and is thus subject to the rules of the Austrian Trade Act ("GewO").1
Additional funding for renewable energy - Austria
On 25 September 2019, an amendment to the Green Electricity Act (Ökostromgesetz 2012 – "ÖSG 2012") passed the Austrian National Council. The objective of the amendment is to prevent an interruption of the expansion of green electricity and to ensure a stable transitional period until the Renewable Energy Expansion Act (Erneuerbaren Ausbau Gesetz) is adopted in the next legislative period.
A second chance for the renewables sector?
The Romanian Ministry of Energy recently finalised the public debate of a document outlining a new mechanism for supporting low-carbon electricity generation, in the form of a Contract for Difference (CfD) scheme.
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Oil & Gas Regulation 2019
The International Comparative Legal Guides provide current and practical comparative legal information on a range of practice areas, following a Q&A format to ensure thorough coverage of each topic within different legal systems worldwide.
Bulgaria: Schoenherr advises Woodside Energy on a farm-out agreement with Shell International
Schoenherr has advised Woodside Energy, Australia ("Woodside") on the farm-out agreement with Shell International Exploration and Development Italia S.p.A., concerning Block Khan Kubrat 1-14 in the Black Sea.
The Oil & Gas Offshore Law: A Romanian Odyssey
Debate is raging about the Romanian "offshore" law setting out the legal framework for oil & gas exploration and production in the Black Sea offshore perimeters (the "Offshore Law" or the "Law"), fuelling political turmoil and deterring investment. After a failed attempt to pass the Offshore Law in summer, there are signs of much needed stability.
CEE: Schoenherr advises on sale of United Group by KKR to BC Partners
Schoenherr has advised on the sale of a majority stake in United Group, the leading media and communication services provider across South East Europe, by KKR to funds advised by BC Partners.
Austria: Automatic permits for certain energy infrastructure projects
Proposed new legislation would introduce automatic permits for certain energy infrastructure projects (eg, electricity grids and power plants). According to the federal minister for digital and economic affairs, in order to maintain Austria's attractiveness as a business location and ensure sustainable development, comprehensive investment in its infrastructure is required.
Schoenherr advises UniCredit on strategic Bancassurance partnerships with Allianz and Generali in CEE
Schoenherr has advised the UniCredit Group on establishing two exclusive strategic partnerships with Allianz and Generali for the distribution of insurance products for individuals and small-businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia announced on 5 June 2018 (see here)
Right to clean air – latest developments
In general, the Austrian legal system does not give individuals the right to force the legislature to act in a specific way or pass concrete laws. Normally, only political pressure can combat inaction. However, when it comes to air quality, things are different.
Proposed amendments to gas ordinances and balancing system
To comply with the applicable EU regulations, E-Control recently published draft amendments to the Gas System Charges Ordinance 2018 and the Gas Market Model Ordinance. In response to international criticism, E-Control also proposed a redesign of the Austrian gas balancing system. In order to implement these amendments in the current Austrian gas market, E-Control, in cooperation with the transmission system operators Gas Connect Austria GmbH and Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH, drafted a proposal to establish a virtual interconnection point at Baumgarten.
Austria: Schoenherr leads Vienna Airport to success in third runway proceedings: Federal Administrative Court gives green light
Schoenherr has secured a significant victory for the Vienna International Airport ("VIE") and the province of Lower Austria in the proceedings for the third runway at the airport.
Schoenherr advises Slovenian ENI subsidiary on acquisition of Mestni Plinovodi
Schoenherr has advised Adriaplin d.o.o. ("Adriaplin"), the Slovenian subsidiary of Eni S.p.A., on the acquisition of Mestni Plinovodi d.o.o. ("Mestni Plinovodi"), a local natural gas distribution network operator and gas supplier, from a consortium of sellers consisting of gas distributors Ireti and ACSM-AGAM from Italy and Istrabenz Plini from Slovenia.
New Gas Market Act - Croatian gas market reform continues in 2018
The new Gas Market Act came into force on 3 March 2018 (Zakon o tržištu plina)[1], with the primary aim of regulating the rights and obligations of participants in the Croatian gas market pursuant to the Third Gas Directive (2009/73/EC). In short, the Croatian gas market was legally liberalised in 2008, and de facto opened in the 2012/2013 gas season with a further gas market reform in 2014 and 2017. A brief outline of the latest amendments to the Gas Market Act adopted in February 2017 can be found here. Despite efforts to open up the Croatian gas market, in 2015 and 2017 the European Commission initiated two distinct infringement proceedings against Croatia for noncompliance with the above Directive.
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Oil & Gas Regulation 2018
The International Comparative Legal Guides provide current and practical comparative legal information on a range of practice areas, following a Q&A format to ensure thorough coverage of each topic within different legal systems worldwide.
Schoenherr advises Deutsche Private Equity on acquisition of Euro-Druckservice
Schoenherr advised Deutsche Private Equity Management III ("DPE") on its acquisition of leaflet printing business Euro-Druckservice ("EDS") from a consortium of three company shareholders.
EU: Lex "Nord Stream 2" in the pipeline
The European Commission has proposed an amendment to the Third Gas Directive 2009/73/EU ("Gas Directive") in order to extend the common gas rules to import pipelines. This will ensure the coherent applicability of the core principles of EU energy legislation (third-party access, tariff regulation, ownership unbundling and transparency) to all gas pipelines to and from third countries.
01 November 2017
bulgaria czech republic hungary romania serbia slovakia albania austria
B.Rajal S.Tsekova M.Cojocaru S.Hekelová M.Lučivjanský M.Frantar M.Laković S.Moravčević
European Energy Handbook 2017
This year's edition provides a legal framework of the energy sector in each jurisdiction, covering the structure and design of the gas and electricity industries, the regulations governing them, as well as existing and planned projects such as cross-border interconnectors.
Romania to Introduce New Oil & Gas Royalties Regime
The Romanian government recently opened discussion on a long-awaited draft law aimed at redefining the existing oil & gas royalties system.